I am a wife, pediatric nurse, and a mama of two littles. Photography became a part of my journey after having our daughter, Juniper Louise. I fell in love with capturing our everyday life together. Being able to freeze the sweet, fleeting moments that come and go painfully too fast. If motherhood has taught me anything, it's that babies don't keep. I can vividly remember rocking Juniper to sleep when she was just days old thinking "she will never be as small as she is in this moment ever again." I never wanted to forget the newborn peach fuzz on her back, her fringy little fingernails, or her milk mustache that circled her little lips.

And that's how I got here. These photographs have given me a sense of overwhelming nostalgia, and for a brief moment I am able to relive the past through these beautifully captured photos. So, whether it's in your home, in a studio, or out in nature, I hope to preserve these sweet moments for you, too. 

meet your photographer

Most of my days consist of chasing around my 2 year old daughter while baby wearing my newborn, making meals, and cleaning up messes over and over again. It's the best kind of chaos. In my free time, you can find me in the garden tending to my plants, taking walks, or getting into some home project with my husband.

I have a sentimental attachment to having REAL tangible photos around the house. Some of my fondest memories include reminiscing over old photo albums with my grandma in her living room. I am a believer in printing your photos, not just having iPhone photos to scroll. You will thank yourself later :)

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